Expert -Life is a lesson that is hard to exhaust. Many people grapple with the idea of making money especially whenever they see young men and women quickly make it in life.
Well, it is not easy to give a better explanation rather than to explain how money works and what mindset one has to have to attract money blessings. You and I believe that money is greatly influenced by our backgrounds and upbringing. It is not far from the truth anyway but a report by the Wealth-X says otherwise. Wealth is mostly self-made and this is through an intensive research they conducted with regard to wealth persons.
That said, lets now dig deep into money and how it works magic to some while some not. To acquire wealth is not about how hard one works. The belief our fore fathers used to preach all through that wealth comes from hard working has been proved to be just a fallacy that added poverty to the society. Hardworking people are those doing menial jobs on construction sites but they are not rich. How then can you equate hard work to money?

To make this more understandable, any construction site laborour can be replaced anytime any day by anyone but not an accountant; and that is why they get paid peanuts despite working hard. Such individuals without skills believe in the power of energy rather than brains.
Now back to the point, wealth belongs to problems. If you solve a problem affecting people then you will definitely earn from them. Making money is fully dependent on solving problems. If for instance, you find a way of solving a million problems, you will earn a million dollars; it is proportional. Amazon founder Jeff Bezos saw that gap and brought a platform that helped people shop online with alot of ease. He helped people solve the hustle of going to the supermarkets and stores; today he is as rich as nothing you can compare him to.
The golden rule is for you to listen what people around you are talking about. What are they complaining they don’t have then bring it to them. Very easy.
That said, however, to become rich learn to manage your time well. Wake up early, refresh and do anything you want to do. Be consistent and the results will come by.