Yes. You can click on the register button register as either a candidate or employer, indicate your name, email address, password and check for a verification link sent to your email to login.
On the login page click on ‘forgot password’, put your email address then you will receive a reset password link on your email.
Login using your email address and password, a list of all jobs advertised will come up, select position of your choice and click apply.
Once you login select ‘profile’ at the top of the page and scroll down to CV and click on the ‘+’ sign and upload a CV. Ensure it is saved in PDF format and not more than 10MB in size.
Once you login select ‘profile’ at the top of the page and scroll down to Certificates and click on the ‘+’ and add your certificates individually. Ensure they are saved in PDF format.
Once you login select ‘profile’ at the top of the page, under ‘My Profile’ click on the ‘+’ sign on each section to input the information required. Click on ‘My Bio’ and select the pen icon to edit your bio information.
On ‘My Bio’ under cell number kindly ensure that your cursor is placed after the ‘+’ and begin your number with 254 e.g. +254 (710) 886-588
After submitting your application for the job ‘Already Applied’ will appear on the job page. You will also receive an email notifying you that your application has been received.
Once you have submitted your application you will receive a regret notification on your email between 14 -30 days from the expiry of the job advertisement.
Yes. Once you create an account on our website recruiter will have access to your profile and they can contact you in for opportunities
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